
Rick Dickinson

Spectrum Addict: LOAD “FILM 2”. Coming soon. 🙂
If you check across the internetty thingy, there should be a couple of competitions to win DVDs of the first film, especially at LORD A*SE. 🙂

Had the totally amazing opportunity to interview one of my all-time Spectrum heroes, the one and only RICK DICKINSON down in Cambridge. Rick, who designed the ZX81, ZX Spectrum, Sinclair QL, Spectrum+ etc etc etc was an absolute blast. A proper gent, full of brilliant anecdotes, wit and charisma, and a truly genius vision on design, and indeed the design of the ZX81, Spectrum, Sinclair QL etc. It was an awesome experience, and for a lifelong Speccy fan, an absolute dream. 🙂 Thanks to Rick for inviting me into his home, and to his charming wife who was also a star. I cannot WAIT to put this film together…!!

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